Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Memories......of A division :)

The old class photos of A division. Got a really bad memory cant remember which is from which class though.

Some class....students, the Hag and the crazy dude.. the sight of these two brings back bitter memories......

some other class

still another class

yet another class

This one i know 12th.....


nitinsunny said...

it seems dat ken was always da tallest in da class and mukri was born wid specs ! sandeep , u look so innocent man ........ cheers to u !

Aravind J. said...

Wow.... It's really great to see all these old pics... Thanks for uploading them....

From top to bottom I think.... 1st one is IV A, 2nd is III A, 3rd is VA & 4th one is I A or II A....

shwetha said...

wow.. that's superb..thnx a ton..

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